Upbeat music begins to briefly play at the start of the video.
Animation: The blue and white Charles Schwab logo appears on screen. The logo then drops off the screen and the text "StreetSmart Edge Quick Start: All in One Trade Tool" appears in an additional blue box.
Animation: The box then drops off screen and transitions to a screen recording of StreetSmart Edge®. The narrator begins to speak.
Narrator: Hello and welcome to the Quick Start video for the All in One Trade Tool available in Charles Schwab's StreetSmart Edge® platform.
The All in One Trade Tool is the most dynamic, advanced trading tool in the StreetSmart family of software, offering unprecedented flexibility, particularly around option trading workflow.
Open the All in One Trade Tool by going to Launch Tools and selecting All in One Trade Tool.
Animation: The narrator zooms into the tip right hand of the screen showing how to open the All in One Trade Tool.
Narrator: Like most tools in StreetSmart Edge, the All in One Trade Tool has a tabbed interface, where you can customize the contents of each tab making it easier to trade your favorite strategies.
Depending on the strategy you select, the trade ticket automatically updates along with the relevant quotes data or option chains.
Animation: While speaking, the narrator moves their mouse cursor showing the various components of the All in One Trade Tool.
Narrator: If you often trade, for instance, vertical call spreads, you can create a Vertical Call spread tab rather than having to set the Options tab up for vertical call spreads each time.
Animation: The narrator demonstrates how to create vertical call spreads within the platform using their mouse.
Narrator: If you are an equities only trader, the default Stock/ETF tab will be your place to be. It includes NBBO, Market Depth and Time & Sales data.
Add a Leg – Quickly turn a stock or option order into a multi-leg order using the "Add a Leg" button.
Animation: The narrator clicks "Add a Leg" at the corner of the Trade page.
Narrator: Remove a leg – Click the "-" button for the leg you wish to remove.
Animation: The narrator clicks the minus button.
Narrator: As a benefit, when you make changes to the first leg of the strategy, the other legs will be updated to stay within that strategy.
Animation: While speaking, the narrator continues to move their mouse throughout the page showing what the All In One Trade Tool can do.
Narrator: The All in One Trade Tool is loaded with data to help you with decisions. Let's start at the top with the Title Bar and Level 1 Data.
The Title Bar will display the last trade price, change direction, and change from the previous close, as well as the full name of the company or index and exchange.
Right below the Title Bar is the Level 1 data, as well as the Order Status and Position Indicators, which show whether our account has open order or positions in the selected symbol.
Animation: Screen recording shows the level 1 data.
Narrator: Customize your Level I data by clicking on the gear icon.
Animation: The narrator clicks the gear icon in the top left-hand corner of the tool.
Narrator: In addition to the standards, (Bid, Ask, Hi, Low, Open, Close, and Volume) you can also select data such as 52 Week High or Low, Put/Call Ratios, Implied Volatility Rank/Percentile, and many more.
Animation: Narrator shows the variety of options you can select in addition to the standards through an extended drop down menu.
Narrator: Other data available in the All in One Trade Tool includes the Trade & Probability Calculator and Top Movers.
Animation: While speaking, the narrator moves their mouse over additional locations within the tool you can find data.
Narrator: The Trade & Probability Calculator shows a visual representation of the risk/reward of an options strategy to help you quickly assess option trade risk, based on the price of the underlying on certain dates, using the Black-Scholes option pricing model.
Animation: The screen shows charts associated with the Trade & Probability Calculator.
Narrator: It also plots the (theoretical) probability of the underlying symbol price at any point in time up to the expiration date.
Animation: The screen transitions to the Top Movers view.
Narrator: The Top Movers view will display the top volume, top gainers, and top decliners for a single underlying symbol.
This concludes this Quick Start Guide for the All in One Trade Tool for StreetSmart Edge.
Please check out the Learning Center, and the Online Help Manual, both of which are located under the Help Menu.
Animation: The screen zooms in to highlight the "Help" and "Education" sections where you can find additional help with StreetSmart Edge.
Narrator: Additionally, you can visit the calendar on Schwab.com/live for a schedule of upcoming live platform videos.
Animation: A blue box appears at the bottom left-hand side of the screen with the URL: Schwab.com/live
Animation: The screen then transitions to a calendar showing a variety of scheduled educational events.
Narrator: Thank you for choosing Charles Schwab and have a great day!
Animation: The Charles Schwab logo appears on screen in a blue box. "Own your tomorrow" is written out on the screen.
Animation: The text "© Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member SIPIC. All rights reserved. (1219-93DC)" also appears on the bottom of the screen.
Animation: Disclosure text appears on screen.
On-Screen Text: Disclosures: Screenshots are historical in nature. Securities, symbols, price and volume data shown here are for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation, offer to sell, or solicitation of an offer to buy any security.
The speed and performance of streaming data may vary depending on your computer system performance, modem speed, and ISP connection.
Options carry a high level of risk and are not suitable for all investors. Certain requirements must be met to trade options through Schwab. Please read the Options Disclosure Document titled "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options'' before considering any option transaction. Call Schwab at 1-800-4335-4000 for a current copy. Supporting documentation for claims or statistical information available upon request. Spread trading must be done in margin account. Multiple leg options strategies will involve multiple per-contract fees.
This material is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a personalized recommendation or investment advice. Investors should review investment strategies for their own particular situations before making any investment decisions.