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Insights & Ideas

What is an annuity?

Annuities can be beneficial for turning some of your savings into guaranteed income. Here's what to know about annuities before making a decision.

February 06, 2025

The Saver's Tax Credit

If you contribute to an IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan, you may qualify for the Saver's Credit. Learn more about how the Saver's Tax Credit works.

January 31, 2025

More Insights & Ideas

Safe Haven From the Trade War?

Tariff policies have been announced and then subsequently rescinded or delayed–but not yet resolved. They may still hold the potential for market volatility.

February 10, 2025

Weekly Market Outlook

Chief Global Investment Strategist Jeffrey Kleintop's 90-second take on the markets for the week ahead.

February 03, 2025

Fed Holds Policy Rate Steady

After cutting rates at the past three meetings, it looks like the Federal Reserve has reached a plateau.

January 29, 2025

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Insights & Education is provided by Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered an individualized recommendation or personalized investment advice. The type of securities and investment strategies mentioned may not be suitable for everyone. Each investor needs to review an investment strategy for his or her own particular situation before making any investment decision. All expressions of opinion are subject to change without notice in reaction to shifting market or economic conditions.

Workplace Financial Services is a business enterprise which offers products and services through Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc.; Schwab Stock Plan Services; and Designated Brokerage Services. Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc., provides recordkeeping and related services with respect to retirement plans. Schwab Stock Plan Services is a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. providing equity compensation plan services and brokerage solutions for corporate clients. Schwab Designated Brokerage Services, a division of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., provides technology solutions for corporate clients with regulatory requirements to monitor employee security transactions. Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. and Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab", Member SIPC) are separate but affiliated entities, and each is a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

At the direction of the Plan Sponsor, or Plan Administrator, Participants may have access to advice services that can provide Participants with a retirement savings and investment strategy for their Plan account, furnished by an independent registered investment advisor (“Advisor”). The Advisor is not affiliated with or an agent of Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. (SRPS); Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (CS&Co.), a federally registered investment advisor; or their affiliates. Neither SRPS, CS&Co., nor their affiliates supervise, make recommendations with respect to, or take responsibility for monitoring the advice services provided to the Participants by the Advisor.

Schwab Asset Management is the dba name for Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc. (CSIM), the investment adviser for Schwab Funds®, Schwab ETFs™, and separately managed account strategies. CSIM and Schwab Retirement Plan Services, Inc. are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

Schwab Advisor Services™ serves independent investment advisors and includes the custody, trading, and support services of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. ("Schwab"). Independent investment advisors are not owned by, affiliated with, or supervised by Schwab.